Designed website for India’s finest positive psychology coach and helped build her personal brand.

We created a minimal yet creative website design for India’s finest Positive Psychology Coach Vanamala Ramesh and rebranded his blog converting it into a full-fledged website with access to leads, better design and in-built newsletters. Along with that we also optimised her social media profiles for attractive look, a lot of ideas were brainstormed and strategies were built to maximise the social reach.

Project Details


Build online presence as a personal brand and optimize Social Media and set up the lead-generation process.


Brand Consulting and Social Media Calender & Trainning.


UI/UX, Logo, Website/Blog, Banner, Posts and Content etc.


SMO, FB/Google Adds

Positive Psychology Coach


Vanamala Ramesh (Owner)

Positive Psychology Coach,Bangalore, India.

On LinkedIn She Writes.

Sujal Gupta deserves a thumbs up for the aesthetic job done for my website, which goes well with my profession. He is a vivid listener which helped him transcribe my goals and intentions. His inputs and suggestions have always helped me. He has a brilliant future ahead of him. Stay blessed, Sujal!

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We’re a team of creatives who are excited about unique ideas. Helping brands and startups to create amazing identity and growth by crafting top-notch design and building strategies.

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